Hello, I am marketing communications professional

Terry McGinn

Marketing communications should be fundamental to your brand’s approach to interacting with your audience.

Let me help you improve your marketing communications today

Student of St. Lawrence College's Advertising and Marketing Communications program.

I am currently wrapping up an advanced diploma in advertising and marketing communications, with plans to study user experience design at SLC in the fall. I have a a special interest in web design, copywriting, and surveying and data analysis.

What I Offer

As a well-rounded marketing professional I enjoy taking on any marketing problem, but a few of my specialties are listed below.

Marketing Strategy

No marketing succeeds without a plan, I can help you build yours

User Experience

Your users deserve the best experience, let's give it to them

Web Design

Bring your business online through WordPress or Shopify

Data Analysis

Unlock the story your data is waiting to tell you


The only limit to the power of words is how well they're used

Latest Blog Posts

Select Portfolio Pieces

These are some of my favourite things

Maplemarsh Farm logo and branding

My other business, growing market-ready vegetable for my local community

Essays Three Ways

A selection of essays on various topics

Marketing4Good virtual trade show

Taking an in-person charity trade show and making it virtual on a zero dollar budget

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