About Me

Hi, I'm Terry McGinn
In 2018, as my job as manager of the seasonal not-for-profit community-owned restaurant in my town was coming to a close, I decided to apply to college. It was September 7th, classes had already started, and I had no idea whether St. Lawrence College would even acknowledge my application let alone approve it.
It had been 20 years since I’d last been in college. I had no idea if I still knew how to learn. I wanted to build skills I could use to help my rural community on Amherst Island, but I didn’t know whether Advertising and Marketing Communications was the right choice.
St. Lawrence College did accept me. You can read about that story here. And the past three years since my first day have been the best whirlwind I could have imagined. I have learned to hone marketing and communications skills and talents I didn’t know I had, I have met amazing and wonderful and brilliant people. And now I get to share those skills and talents with others.
Hopefully with you.

Certificates & Credentials

Student Awards

Website clients

of Words Written